We all knows those people that seem to get so much more completed in far less time than everyone around them. Do you want to know what most of them have in common with each other? Morning Habits! They all have morning routines that they follow religiously. Check out these 5 Morning Habits that will lead to life change!

If you asked anyone that has ever worked with me they would likely tell you that I am pretty organized. I didn’t just wake up one morning focused and organized! Actually for a good part of my teens and 20’s I was a mess. So how did I become the woman I am today? Small Habits and morning routines get all the credit.

Here is what my mornings routine looks like! Scroll down for tips on how I created my morning Routine and a FREE Morning Routine Checklist to help you make yours!

My Morning Habits

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No Snooze Button

I no longer hit the Snooze button! I was once totally guilty of this. In fact I lived for the snooze button. So much that I would set my alarm so much earlier than needed just so I could hit the snooze multiple times. There are so many studies that show that this is so bad for you. A great book that helped me break the habit is The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins.


The first thing I do in the mornings is reach for my Water Cup and start drinking. I have found that it actually helps to wake my brain up better than coffee did. It also has so many help benefits like helping to flush toxins out of our bodies, and fire up our metabolism. My Favorite Water Cup

Make my Bed

This one habit has been noted by so many people to be the life changing habit. I think mostly because it changes your mindset. When you make your bed every morning not only do you have a cleaner looking bedroom to come home to, but your brain starts thinking of yourself as an organized person. Someone who gets things done.

Make a daily to-do List

I actually keep 2 of these, one for work and one from home or family. I have found that if I do this first thing in the morning my mind wanders less durning the day. It also helps me to stay focused when I spend time in my bible and pray. As I don’t find myself thinking about everything I need to do anymore and can put my focus on what I am currently doing.

Daily Gratitude / Prayer or Mediation

I do this as a combo before I start my work day. I start by spending time in my bible and connecting with Gods word. I’m currently working through the Bible in a Year by Kandi Gallaty it takes the guesswork out of it for me. I’m no longer wondering what I should read each day. I then Journal with through it, what is nice about this is it gives you prompts on what to journal about. Pray and meditate on what I have read. Finally before I put my journal away I write down 5 things I am grateful for and 2 Goals that I am currently working towards.

Ultimately it is about finding what works best for you in the season of your life. When I was a stay at home mom my routine looked allot different than what it does now that I work full time, and manage a blog. START SMALL!! That is how it began for me, just adding one small habit every few weeks.

Want to dive deeper with me? Join me in my Facebook Group where I dive deeper in this on weekly live trainings.

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